Services & Offerings

If you are interested in working with me, I offer a complimentary Clarity Session to help us determine if working together would provide a clear and meaningful path forward. Click on Contact and fill out the form to get more information on any of the services described below or to schedule a session.

Comprehensive Intuitive Coaching Package

The cornerstone of my services – four months of weekly sessions to support you in finding clarity on what you want and who you want to be, to help you identify and heal internalized messages that get in the way of living authentically, to build a foundation of self-love and self-compassion, and to create a healing plan for you to have real and specific ways to create lasting change. 

Intuitive Oracle Readings

Intuitive oracle readings using a variety of oracle decks provide gentle and compassionate guidance to help connect with your inner wisdom and cultivate a loving relationship with yourself. Based on the principles of radical self love, these readings are useful for gaining insights, guidance, and affirmation in your journey towards embracing and honoring yourself fully. 

Booster Shots
(only available to current and/or past clients)

A 60-minute intuitive coaching and/or divination session for advice, to help get unstuck, or just general coaching

Energy Balancing & Healing

A 60-minute session to clear and balance your energy field

House Blessings/Cleansings

Designed to create an energetically balanced space; invite blessings, protection, harmony, and well-being into the home, and establish a strong connection between the occupants and the spiritual forces of the home. be your product or give more information.

Organizational Staff Support

A package of 4 intuitive coaching sessions per employee focused on the energetics of navigating overwhelm, burnout, and trauma, with the goal of helping folks understand how these are showing up for them and what their triggers are, and to support them in finding ways to navigate through them so that they can be more balanced in their work and less stressed.

Organizational Support

60 to 90 minutes sessions for your group to support them in managing anxiety/overwhelm or navigating change